Le viagra est bien connu pour son effet sur la dysfonction érectile chez l'homme. Mais saviez-vous qu'il peut également avoir des effets bénéfiques surprenants sur les ostréiculteurs ? Ces professionnels de la culture d'huîtres exercent souvent un travail physique intense qui peut parfois impacter leur libido et leur performance sexuelle. Le viagra, avec ses propriétés vasodilatatrices, favorise une meilleure circulation sanguine, y compris vers les organes génitaux, aidant ainsi les ostréiculteurs à obtenir plus facilement une érection et à améliorer leur vie sexuelle. Imaginez les résultats potentiels de la combinaison de la consommation d'huîtres, reconnues comme un aphrodisiaque puissant, avec l'usage du Viagra. Le Viagra peut être acheté de manière rapide et sécurisée dans les pharmacies en ligne.


Laser Dermatology Services In Houston


Botox® is a purified protein that is used in small doses for certain cosmetic procedures and medical conditions. It is particularly useful for eliminating the frown lines or chronic furrows between the eyebrows that may persist through repeated, often subconscious action of muscles located directly between the eyebrows. Botox® is also the treatment of choice […]

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Dr. Laborde and a patient.


Many people develop facial wrinkles and volume loss over time. Specifically, the skin ages by losing its underlying support structure, a condition known as soft tissue atrophy. Soft tissue atrophy is one of the most prominent signs of the aging face. There are a number of options available for the treatment of atrophy and they […]

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Laser Dermatology Services In Houston


Treatment with Botox® is a “no downtime” procedure. After treatment, most patients have no significant side effects. There may be a mild amount of redness at the injection site, but this resolves in a few hours. Bruising is very uncommon. Patients are advised to remain upright for four hours after treatment and to avoid strenuous […]

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Patient exam room with chairs and dermatology


Botox® has been used since 1980 for treatment of two facial conditions, strabismus (lazy eye) and blepharospasm (uncontrolled eye blinking). It was first used for forehead wrinkles in 1989 and received FDA approval for cosmetic treatments in 2002. Side effects from Botox® are minimal when it is properly administered by a physician trained in its […]

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Dr. Laborde and a patient.


One of the most exciting developments in cosmetic and laser dermatology is the introduction of fractional resurfacing with the Fraxel Re:store laser. Lasers have been used for decades to create younger looking skin. But the downside has been that to achieve truly dramatic results, patients had to experience weeks of healing and downtime, as well […]

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Laser Dermatology Services In Houston


One of the most exciting developments in cosmetic and laser dermatology is the introduction of fractional resurfacing with the Fraxel Re:store laser. Lasers have been used for decades to create younger looking skin. But the downside has been that to achieve truly dramatic results, patients had to experience weeks of healing and downtime, as well […]

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Dr. Laborde and a patient.


The Fraxel Re:store laser is a 1550nm infrared laser that targets the water content in the epidermal and dermal tissue. Unlike traditional aggressive resurfacing lasers, the Fraxel Re:store laser treats only a small percentage (15-20%) of the skin at a time with precise microthermal zones. This fractional treatment keeps the upper levels of the epidermis […]

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Laser Dermatology Services In Houston

Tattoo Removal

Botox® is a purified protein that is used in small doses for certain cosmetic procedures and medical conditions. It is particularly useful for eliminating the frown lines or chronic furrows between the eyebrows that may persist through repeated, often subconscious action of muscles located directly between the eyebrows. Botox® is also the treatment of choice […]

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