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Dr. Laborde and a patient.


One of the most exciting developments in cosmetic and laser dermatology is the introduction of fractional resurfacing with the Fraxel Re:store laser. Lasers have been used for decades to create younger looking skin. But the downside has been that to achieve truly dramatic results, patients had to experience weeks of healing and downtime, as well as substantial risks. With the introduction of the Fraxel Re:store laser, patients can achieve impressive improvement in skin texture, tone, uneven pigmentation, wrinkles, and acne scarring without prolonged downtime.

What is the Fraxel Re:store laser?

The Fraxel Re:store laser is a 1550nm infrared laser that targets the water content in the epidermal and dermal tissue. Unlike traditional aggressive resurfacing lasers, the Fraxel Re:store laser treats only a small percentage (15-20%) of the skin at a time with precise microthermal zones. This fractional treatment keeps the upper levels of the epidermis intact while the laser energy penetrates into the dermis to stimulate collagen remodeling. By treating only a fraction of the skin surface, this laser allows for much more rapid healing than was previously possible.

What conditions are treated with the Fraxel Re:store laser?

Wrinkles of the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands
Acne scars
Brown, sun induced freckles and age spots
Uneven pigmentation
Sun damaged skin
Dull, coarse skin tone and texture

What areas can be treated?

Fraxel Re:store laser treatments can be performed on any part of the skin. These treatments are particularly effective for improving the skin quality of the face, chest, neck, arms and hands.

What is a Fraxel Re:store treatment like and how many treatments are necessary?

Each treatment takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes depending on the area treated. A topical anesthetic is applied for 60 minutes prior to the procedure for increased comfort. After treatment, patients experience minor redness and swelling for 2 to 3 days and can usually return to their normal activities the next day. Make up can usually be applied the day after treatment. Since only a fraction of the skin is treated with each session, patients generally have a series of 3 to 5 treatments to achieve optimal results.

What is the Fraxel Re: Store Dual Laser?

The Fraxel Re:store Dual laser is an exciting advance in the field of fractional laser therapy. This device combines the original 1550nm laser with the new 1927nm Thulium fiber laser. The 1927nm wavelength is ideal for treating patients with brown sun-induced freckles, age spots, uneven pigmentation, superficial wrinkles and textural irregularities. The 1550nm wavelength penetrates deep into the skin to treat wrinkles and acne scars while the 1927nm wavelength allows for a superficial resurfacing to treat uneven pigmentation. This new technology delivers superior pigment clearing with fewer treatments.

What is a Fraxel Re:store Dual treatment like and how many treatments are necessary?

Each treatment takes approximately 20 minutes depending on the area treated. A topical anesthetic is applied for 60 minutes prior to the procedure for increased comfort. After treatment, most patients have a moderate amount of post procedure swelling and experience peeling of the skin on days 3 to 5. Total recovery time is 5 to 7 days with only mild discomfort for the first few days. Results are visible after one treatment and continue to improve as healing occurs below the skin’s surface. Most patient see excellent results after 2 to 3 treatments.

Who are the best candidates for Fraxel laser treatments?

The best candidates for Fraxel Re:store and Fraxel Re:store Dual laser treatments are patients who desire a more dramatic improvement in wrinkles, sun damaged skin, brown sunspots, uneven pigmentation and acne scars and are able to tolerate a brief period of downtime. With a series of treatments, the skin appears younger, smoother, healthier, and more vibrant.